Baby Boomers - Born 1946 to 1964

Baby Boomers - born 1946 to 1964

Baby Boomers - born 1946 to 1964

Who Are The Baby Boomers?

Baby Boomers are commonly described as those of you born in the years spanning the mid 1940s to mid 1960s, or the first generation born after World War Two. You grew up in a time of great change, and are held widely responsible for much of the social and cultural development in the decades following the war. 

If you are a Baby Boomer, you are likely to have been known for your productivity, tenacity, teamwork and mentoring skills throughout your working lives. In fact, your generation is thought to be extremely work focused, often defining yourselves by professional achievements. As a Boomer, you are likely to have carved out a long lasting, prestigious career, allowing you to reap the benefits of high income such as buying your own home or living comfortably.

Baby Boomers Now Reaching Retirement Age

Now, your generation is reaching retirement age. The first wave of Boomers began retiring in around 2011, and by 2029 the youngest of you will reach retirement age. Despite the independence, resilience and economic success you enjoyed earlier in life, it’s estimated that large numbers of your generation will face financial difficulties upon entering retirement.

Baby Boomers Facing Financial Challenges

Only 24% of Boomers are confident that they have enough money saved up to last them through retirement, and of this group 68% said they should have saved more. When you think about the circumstances, these stats are unsurprising. Your generation started working when life expectancy was much lower than it is now. People are living longer, which is great, but the flipside is that many of you may not have planned enough savings to see yourselves through the later years of your lives. 

On top of this are challenges posed by inflation rates. The cost of living is increasing and, for those of you on a fixed income, it can be difficult to keep up with these rising costs. Many of you are delaying retirement, or even taking up two or three jobs alongside your pension, just to make ends meet. You’re known for being fiercely independent, so it’s not a surprise that you don’t want to be a burden, choosing instead to continue working into your later years to bring some financial stability back into your life. 

We Offer A Solution To Your Financial Challenges

If you’re reading this as a Baby Boomer who recognizes, only too well, the financial challenges discussed, there is another solution, one which doesn’t mean you have to continue working into your 80s or cut back on doing the things you enjoy. Instead, you can put your strengths to good use and earn some extra income online.

Our FREE 7 day video course will teach you, step by step, how to earn money to supplement your retirement fund by exploring the world of digital marketing. All you need is a computer and a willingness to learn, and you could dramatically increase your income without having to compromise your lifestyle.

Your schedule will be flexible, so whether you’re a Boomer who is already retired or one who is still at work, you can fit your online business around your career and family life. The burden of money worries in later life can be lifted, allowing you more breathing room to enjoy your well earned retirement. 

Have a look at our FREE 7 day video series! Click the link below, and let us guide you into your first digital marketing venture, helping you provide for yourself and your family.
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