Generation Z - Born 1996 and later

Generation Z - born 1996 and later

Generation Z - born 1996 and later

Who Are Generation Z?

Those of you in Generation Z are the youngest members of our society. Born in the few years before the turn of the millennium to now, most of you haven’t yet fully come of age into the working world. You’ve grown up surrounded by technology and various stimuli, and so process information extremely quickly and can multi task easily.

Generation Z Want Security

Your generation value security; having seen the impact of the 2008 recession on your parent’s finances, you would rather avoid a similar situation. Many are throwing yourselves into work much younger than in previous generations, displaying high levels of entrepreneurial drive. It’s even theorized the majority of you will either entirely forgo further education or choose to complete it online, instead joining the workforce between the ages of 16 and 18. Part of the reason for this is the eye watering debt associated with college education.

Like Millennials, your generation values flexibility in your work, and you want to feel as though you’re making a difference to the world. Having been surrounded by technology, the wealth of the internet and all the different ways to learn online, you have grown up fiercely independent as well as digitally capable, too. You want to work, but you’re keen to make your jobs work for you too, valuing remote work and collaboration above rigid schedules.

Generation Z Challenges

High school fees and a recovering job market are just a couple of the challenges facing your generation. Job satisfaction and the feeling of having made a good choice is very important to you, and you value feeling like you fit culturally into any team you join. The outward facing persona of prospective employers is super important to you, along with the opinions of the people at the top of the company. 

Finding a job that merges your craving for security with this specific set of needs can be hard for you to achieve. Plus, you are an overwhelmingly competitive group of people, so feeling as though you have ‘lost’ by failing to find job satisfaction can be particularly disheartening for you. 

Security In Building An Online Business

It’s no surprise that many Gen Zers are turning towards entrepreneurship, sometimes at an even younger age than your older counterparts. With your unique position as digital natives and need for a particular work environment, you can easily build a business online that allows you to fulfill your own desires.

If you’re reading this as a Gen Zer who would like to join your entrepreneurial colleagues, but are worried about security, we can help. With our FREE 7 day video series, you can quickly learn the basics of digital marketing, allowing you to earn a large monthly income.

You can choose your own hours, and so can fit the work around your schedule, whether that be your regular employment or schooling. In fact, becoming your own digital marketing boss can bring in enough money to allow you to take the leap and work for yourself full time. The internet is growing, and more and more people need experts in this field. 

Take advantage of your technological affinity and build yourself a fulfilling, sustainable business that takes the anxiety out of making money. Find out how by clicking the link below to check out our FREE 7 Day Video Series!
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